الأربعاء، 30 سبتمبر 2015

free template for marketing proposal

 Free online template for marketing campaign proposal helps you to learn how to write Marketing plan for any marketing campaign here i offer to you a sample for marketing plan proposal for online marketing campaign 

Objectives :
  1. Become a business Story :

If you are doing business in today’s  economy, particularly on the Internet, there is a lot of competition. One of the ways to stand out in the market is to tell your business’s story and develop a personal connection with your target customer .
Hurghada As summer resort in area needs to create new relationship with customers on targeted area.
So we will tell our customers our business story and inspire them to do business with us  through our e-marketing campaign in several ways As :

  • Making Promotion and online offers for customers.
  • Describe our Mission in short stories what create Me Too Effect .
  • Make Affiliate Program.
  • Run Contest .
  • Get Personal Participation
For Example :
-Publish on our social media channels the details of  employee lunch and working day.
-Show How our customer interested in Staying in Hurghada.
        We should note that our customers wants to get to know us and wants to be able to relate to us and our company.

  1. Build an effective online brand.

If you’re not actively branding your business, you are wasting golden opportunities to strengthen your online position in your niche. Creating a uniform goal and plan can help you make sure all your branding efforts are on target. So We will Identify our Brand Clearly which means that we will show our customers “ not just tell ”  them
- What We do                    - Who we are

- How we can help or even just entertain them

This will made by knowing :
  • what they can expect from us  
  • your business and what they can trust you to deliver
by making :
  • Professional Market survey .
  • Taking feedback from our fans on social media channels
  • Taking feedback from our customer   
  • Effective posts on different channels.
  • Pictures and videos.

Manage our online Reputation :

One negative comment – deserved or not – can really affect our online reputation. So we will Check comments and feedback regularly to see what people are saying about Hurghada Resort by :
  • Google Alerts .
  • Testing and working on Positive Comment ( Word-of-Mouth )
On website and Social Media channels we will interactive and mange daily posts to :
  • Keep in touch with clients and update them if there are hitches or problems.
  • Process payments and refunds promptly and cheerfully. 
  • Thank people who do you favors or submit work.
We will create Specific templates As :
  • Email templates featuring your colors, logo, head shot and signature
  • Flyer templates
  • HTML templates for your newsletter
  • HTML templates for your landing and sales pages
  • MS Word templates for business correspondence
This simple tip is one that, when put to work, can help us easily create a cohesive feel to all your marketing venues.
  1. Grow customer base.

If a business can’t reach its customers it will be doomed to fail. Getting customers on board and keeping them happy is as important as any stage of product development.
So we will use electronic tools to grow our customer base as :
    • Google Analysis .
    • Web  mastering tools.
    • Putting some questions in websites pages and social media channels .
    • Making networking offers for our existing customers .
    • Making referral program for customers  .
    • Creating online posts which lead customers to be friends for Hurghada Resort.
    • Analysis online Performance Evaluation .

This tools help us achieving  Segmentation of customers  and create Customer Loyalty which achieve the grow customer base .

Goals :

  • 3000 website visits / month.
  • 1000 facebook fans / mo.
  • 200 twitter followers / mo.
  • 200 Pinterest likes / mo.  
  • 1000 video views / mo.
  • 4 blogs posts/ mo.
  • 300 inbound links.

Tactics :

  1. Search engine Optimization (SEO) :

Content Strategy:

  • Writing really great content
  • Write content people want to share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social networks
  • Complete all image attributes
  • Get links to our pages from other trusted websites.

Targeted Keyword and Tags:

  • Mange the tags and keywords in : (Title Tags , Header Tags , Page Content  and  Meta Tags)
  • Create and manage two site maps for the website.
  • Create Web mastering tools in google for the website.

  1. Create Social Media Channels (SMC)  :


  • Creating Account, Group, Business Page.

  • Invite Data base for them.
  • Create and design online promotions and contest on facebook
Twitter , Pinterest ,YouTube , Linked in ,Tumblr , Stumbleupon and Google plus .

  1. Mange Social Media channels and create daily posts in each channel.
5 Post (250 Tag) Per Day
150 Post (5000Tag) Per Month
5 Tweets Per Day
150 Tweet Per Month
50 Share Per Day
1500 Share Per Month
Classified Ads
5 Ads Per Day
150 Ads Per Month
5 Per Day
150 Per Month
Site Directory
5 Per Day
150 Per Month
4 Videos Posting Per Day On fb+T+G+Ads
Increasing Views

  1. Email Marketing For Target Market and Exciting Customers.
  2. Create advertising paid campaign on Facebook and Google Adwords.
  3. Put posts and inbound links in different targeted websites.
  4. Create Multi level Marketing  Promotions and offers online.
  5. Pay Per Click (PPC) buys on Google and facebook etc..

Financial Requirements :

  • Amount for
  1. Managing Campaign.
  2. Managing Customer Relationship online.
  3. Online Customer Services.
  4. Creating Social Media Channels (SMC) .
  5. Posting Website Content.
  6. Making Weekly Reports about Business Performance Evaluation.
  7. Posting Daily content on SMC.    
  8. Email Marketing .
  • 20 %  From Total Paid Pay Per Click Campaign on Google and facebook and other advertising sites.

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Online Courses

تدريب اعداد مدربين
1/ نبذه عن التدريب
يعد برنامج تدريب المدربين المعد خصيصاً لإعداد مدرب قادر على مواجهة العملية التدريبية والوقوف في الميدان التدريبي بكل كفاءة واحترافية وعلى دراية كاملة بجميع أركان العملية التدريبية.
- المهتمون بمجال التدريب.· مقدمة عامة الى المفاهيم الاداريه الحديثة وسمات الادارة في لقرن الحادي والعشرين.· العوامل الاساسيه لنجاح العمليه التدريبيه ونجاح المدرب4/ عدد الساعات70 ساعه

-أقوى "دبلومة اعداد المدرب المعتمد الدولى المحترف".
2/ الفئه المستهدفه
  • أعضاء هيئه التدريس.
  • العاملين في المدارس المهنيه والغير مهنيه.
  • جميع الفئات المهتمة بالتدريب و التعليم مدراء الشركات و المدربين الجدد و المحترفين المعلمين و الخطباء والائمة.
  • كل من يعمل فى منصب يتطلب منه تقديم محاضرات او عرض مشروعات و تدريب الاخرين كل من يريد ان يكون مؤثرا فى الاخرين.
3/ شرح التدريب
· مفوم الادارة و وظائفها من تخطيط و توجيه وتوظيف وتنظيم ورقابه
· مقدمة الى مفهوم واهمية التدريب
· استرتيجيات تحديد الاحتياجات التدريبيه
· مراحل وخطوات عمليه التدريب ومهام كل مرحله
· انواع واصناف التدريب المختلفه وسمات كل منها
· تقييم وتقويم التدريب وقياس العائد من عمليه التدريب
· مهارات تحظير المواد التدريبيه
· مكونات وعناصر المواد التدريبيه وكيفية تجهيز كل منها
· مهارات العرض والالقاء
· اهمية لغة الجسم في العرض والالقاء
· كيفية التعرف على انماط المتدربين واليه التعامل مع كل نمط
· مهارات الاستشعار عن بعد ومعرفه ما يجول بخاطر المتدربين قبل الافصاح به
· طرق واساليب ادارة الجلسات والحوارات والنقاشات
· بناء فرق العمل الجماعية بين المتدربين
· طرق التعامل مع الخلافات والسيطره عليها اثناء التدريب

الثلاثاء، 29 سبتمبر 2015

فوركس النجاح للشركات

 تجارة العملات المعروفة بتجارة الفوركس وهى من اكثر طرق التجارة فى العالم تدر ارباحا كثيرة لأصحابها ونفس الحال بالنسبة  للتسويق الجاد فهو يدر العديد من الارباح للشركات  
مما يدعو للأسف أن العديد من الناس يعتقدون أن المسوقين ما هم إلا مهرجين يتحايلون حتى يقوموا ببيع المنتج ولأسف اشد وأعظـــــم أن هناك بعض المسوقين الذي لا يستحقون أن يطلق عليهم هذا اللقـــــب يظنون أنفسهم هكذا وهؤلاء في نظري مجرمين في حــق التســـــويق لأنهم هم أصحاب الفضل الأول في نشر مثل هذا المفهـــوم الخـــــاطئ

أصبح التسويق من أكثر المهن والعلوم المفترى عليها في عصرنا الحالي من قبل العديد من الطبقات على كافة الاصعده وفى نظري المسئولية الكبـــــرى في نشر هذا الواقع المحزن هم المسوقين أنفسهم .


 To learn how to make PHD IN COUNSELING EDUCATION there is a very long way but the first step to know more about financial consultation as a very important type of consultations there are rapid developments in the field of business and finance, the organizations trying to keep pace with these developments. The organizations need to get the various financial consultations such as how to deal in stocks and shares, evaluation of the 
projects and mergers etc.
The organizations need to COUNSELING EDUCATION do that  properly according the rules and laws , so the needs has increased for specialized companies which working to provide financial consulting services and helping the investors to make a correct financial decisions at the right time by give them the necessary information .
The financial consultations also help the companies to overcome the financial problems by offering the dynamic solutions in this regard. The financial consultations always searched and developed the new ways to serve and provide better value and complete solutions to the organizations.
The financial consultations doing also studies and analysis of financial statements and how the organizations manage their resources.
The financial consultations working on financial data analysis to provide a vision to the top management to make the decisions. The importance of the financial analysis coming because it studying the financial statements at periods of the year and it shows the relationship between the elements of the financial statements and the change of them. The financial analysis defines the company's ability to achieve revenues or not.
The financial analysis helps the companies to make the financial planning and its cost structure.
The most importance financial analysis tools which used to study the financial information:-
1/ Trend analysis (vertical & horizontal)
2/ Ratio analysis (liquidity & activity & profitability & market and Stability).
The financial consultations also study the market and how to deal with market fluctuations to help the companies in making the decisions about buying and selling which ensure the safety of the financial situations of the companies.
The financial consultations make the foundations of accounting systems for the organizations like Issuing chart of accounts & issuing the balance sheets as accounting policies and preparing the income statements.
 The financial consultations helps the organizations to make accounting planning.  The main objective of accounting planning in general is to contribute to the development of accounting objectives of the organizations. Planning can not be successful without the availability of correctly accounting information. Also the accounting planning contributes to the development of financial resources of the organizations through the protection of assets and resources owned by the organizations from loss and the preparation of financial budgets and improve the way the organizations work.
The financial consultations help to identify the strengths of the company's position to promote it, and weaknesses to develop her treatment; this will be through access to financial statements published.
The financial consultations give the advices to the companies to deal with the banks and how to choose the banks accounts that serve the company and its activity also give advices to the borrowers; this is done through credit analysis to identify the risks of loans.
Mergers are a composition of economic unit as a result of joining two units or more and the demise of the separate legal personality of each. Here the financial consultations make joint assessment of the company to estimate the current value of the company to be purchased and the future performance of its operation.
The financial consultations can change the administrative system including the human resources.
The financial consultations can make management accounting. The main objective of the management accounting system operations is to provide reports contain important data for planning and control. The differences between financial accounting and management accounting: The financial accounting reporting for parties outside the organization while the management accounting specially for the management of organization.
Also the financial accounting should be applied to all economic units as a whole, while management accounting should not be applied to all of these units. The financial accounting tracking the principles and accounting policies during the preparation of financial statements while the management accounting tracking economic management unit during the preparation of financial statements. The main function of management accounting is control over of the policies set by the administration and makes the necessary corrections when there are any deviations in the plans that have been developed. The main element which the management accounting depends on is cost accounting. This helps the top management to take the internal administrative decisions. 
The financial consultations doing the accounting assessment. Accounting assessment depends on evaluate the financial information and the control that comes with the accounting process the accounting assessment helps to detect financial problems and make recommendations to prevent such problems from occurring again.
The financial consultations work to achieve to the quality financial reports that depend upon the top management to take important decisions. All of these services must be through the use the technology and modern programs. These programs focus on providing the financial reports and how to prepare and accounting operations related to adjustments & asset trading and the stock and the ways to achieve internal control. The financial consultations making information system which designs the way for organization strategy and the organization must be following the general accepted accounting principles in the preparation of those statements.  
 The financial consultations must teach the accountants how to be responsible and honest to show the top management all the information and finical reports without any hidden.
 The financial consultations lead accountants to support their organizations in a wide range of job including leadership, management accounting and control.
The financial consultations must give the independent opinion for the organization which helps it to make better understanding of its finical situation.
The working methods for the financial consultations must be under ethic principles, quality and responsibility to build the mutual trust and develop long term strategic with the organizations to meet their needs .